The perineum is an organ.

It is the area of our body located between the pubis and the tail bone. It is composed of connective tissue, collagen and muscles. It has several important functions:


- It supports the pelvic viscera (uterus, bladder, rectum)

- It actively controls the opening and closing of the sphincters of the body

(vagina, urethra, anus)

- It is a physical and emotional "door". It is the connection between the inside and the outside.

- It is the organ of birth and the centre of sexuality.


Therefore, it plays some essential physiological functions for the body and represents the intimate world of every woman.




Do you have difficulties interrupting the stream of urine?

Do you lose urine under physical stress?

Do you have sudden urges to urinate that are hardly controllable?

Do you feel pain during sexual intercourse?

Do you have a feeling of weight and discomfort in the perineal region?

These feelings and symptoms tell you that the perineum is not healthy any more: they should not be minimized or underestimated.




If you are feeling some of these symptoms or if you simply want to know or to reinforce your perineum for preventive purposes, please talk to a midwife in a clinic, to your gynaecologist of choice or to your doctor. There are some centres that specialise in perineum rehabilitation and remedial therapy.



THE PERINEUM IS...........


The centre of the Earth, a peripheral heart, the roots of a tree, the foundations of a house, a lotus flower, an ancient mother, the centre of femininity, an unknown place, a sponge of emotions, guardian of the integrity, cradle of life, of love, of birth and death, a complex muscle structure, a witness to the life of the woman, shy, powerful, sensitive, soft, tight, but above all, the perineum is rhythm.

The pelvic floor is the structural basis on which our body rests, it has many functions, vital and reproductive, it encloses within the memory of life experiences and is the cradle of our emotions..............


Western medicine, with its mechanistic view, treats the perineum as muscles that hold internal organs in axis, without taking into account the emotional and relational functions at the base.


In eastern culture, on the other hand, the first chakra resides in the perineum and it is the energetic centre that encloses together both the regulatory functions of the capacity of adaptation to the world, and the satisfaction of basic needs.



It represents the Earth, the corporeal nature, the instinct, the memory of pleasure and pain, the first chakra favours in the individual the consistency, the roots, self-esteem, the determinations that reinforce stability, one's own trust and confidence in oneself and in the one's body.

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